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Friday, March 06, 2009
Annuity Leads
If you are an annuity agent who is working harder than ever before and making less money, you need to take a look at our program. It offers a simple and easy way to create more leads than you can handle. Furthermore, the system is given to you step by step so there is absolutely NO guess work.
So the bottom line is, if you are an annuity agent who wants to sell more annuities and are not afraid to invest in yourself, please visit and come take a look at our incredible offer. The price we currently have will only be available for a short time so take advantage of it while you can.
Labels: annuities, annuity agent training, annuity leads, annuity marketing, annuity training
Monday, March 02, 2009
New Annuity Lead System Unveiled
If you are looking for a way to sell more annuities then this could be a great way to do it. But be warned, if you are the type of producer who sells the 'bad for the client good for the agent' annuities, or the high bonus long term surrender annuities, this system is not for you.
It is a system based on the book 'Annuities: The Shocking Truths Revealed' and it is designed for the honest agent who just simply wants more leads. The offer is limited and we are only going to accept a limited number of agents.
If you are interested, please go to
Labels: annuity leads
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
AIG Annuities: What Should I Do?
"The world's largest insurer is expected to announce yet another bailout iteration next week. But some say its options are limited."
I have been receiving many calls about whether or not to get the money away from AIG. All I know is the following: If I had my money in AIG, I would be bailing my money out of AIG.Sorry, I know everyone is telling you to hang on, especially your advisor who sold you the AIG annuity. However, are you going to be the last one who tries to get their money out and can't?
SO IMO---Get what you can while you can if it is feasible to do so. Get help from an unbiased advisor instead of relying on my advice but get it now. I am sure I will receive hate mail for this but I do already anyway.
And if you haven't, please check out 'Annuities: The Shocking Truths Revealed' at It could save you a fortune and tons of heartache.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Where oh Where Can My Money Be
I hope you enjoy it. Lyrics appear below. Feel free to share with your friends by clicking the share button on the player!!!

Click Here for the Official 'Where Oh Where Can My Money Be' Song w/Lyrics
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Annuities: I Own An AIG Annuity
The answer is, AIG may not be safe as a company from a cash perspective. However, you don't need to panic just yet. There are state guaranty associations and safety nets set up for these type of situations. They are limited into how much they protect, however it is good to know that there is something available to consumers.
What to Do If You Own an AIG Annuity
Right now, there isn't much you can do. We have personally been trying to call them and they are virtually impossible to get a hold of right now. The best advice I can give you is not to panic. There are safety nets set up for these type of situations. AIG's Peter Tulupman, a company spokesman, claimed earlier in an emailed statement "Insurance policies written by AIG companies are direct obligations of our regulated insurance companies around the world. These companies are well capitalized and meet or exceed local regulatory capital requirements." To the extent that is true, only time will tell.
Again, state guaranty funds are there to help. You can continue to contact AIG for an answer but it may be a little bit before you can get a hold of them. In the meantime, if you would like some peace of mind, my best advice is to contact your state guaranty association.
Here is a way to do that. This link, is the link for the State of Michigan guaranty association. Even though this is the Michigan site, if you click the down arrow, you will probably find your state guaranty association. Most of them are listed here, although, unfortunately, not all of them.
At these sites, there is so much useful information and people you may contact. Furthermore, there is information on ratings agencies. My personal favorite part about this site is the FAQ section on the left hand side. It is full of useful information.
If you do not find your state, don’t worry. Try calling any state’s guaranty association and they can likely give you the number to another state’s association.
For more information on your annuities, please feel free to visit us at
Labels: AIG annuities, annuities, annuity guarantees, annuity guaranty
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Medicaid Annuities May Not be So Friendly
The first risk is to be aware that UNLESS you are being advised by a true expert in this area, you may very well be on your way to big headaches and problems. The reason is simple. The Medicaid laws are constantly changing. This means that your 'planners' methods had better be up to date or you will have issues.
Next, it is important to consider that you may be dwelling in an area that is under high amounts of scrutiny. This means that the strategy better be well thought out and perfectly executed. If you are not using a professional that is well versed, again, you will be looking at a future of frustration and expenses. If this is not done right the first time, chances are, it cannot be redone and undoing it will cost a lot of time and money.
There are several other risk factors to using annuities to qualify for Medicaid purposes. What we have done is put together a contact form. If you need help in this area, or even just a second opinion, please visit: Medicaid Annuity Help
You will have the opportunity to consult with one of a few people we consider to be the best in the country when it comes to Medicaid Friendly Annuities.
Hope this Helps.
Tony Bahu
Labels: annuities, medicaid annuities, medicaid friendly annuities