Thursday, August 16, 2007


Allianz Endurance

If you are looking at the Allianz Endurance 15 be glad you came to this. There are many intersting facets about an annuity that you need to know. One thing you need to know very badly is that you aren't getting a 15% bonus for free....WAKE UP!!!! No, I know you think that you know but sometimes it's more than meets the eyes.

Bonuses can be very tricky. There is ALWAYS a price to pay for these bonuses. It's not bad if you TOTALLY understand the consequences and are willing to pay the price, however, if you don't completely understand, you could find yourself in a big mess.

Bonuses need to be used with care. Again, the cost of taking a bonus is sometimes SEVERE. I promise you that 98% of people who look at the bonus are very unclear of what price they have to pay for that bonus. Do you think the insurance company is just being nice to you because they like you? ABSOLUTELY not. do your homework.

The greatest resource I can suggest to you is at No, it's not free----but I guarantee you that Ignorance will cost you more.

I hope you are willing enough to at least listen. If you are thinking about the Allianz Endurance 15 or any other bonus equity index annuity, you better do your's your money---you better take care of it.

Ignorance Isn't Bliss....


Tony Bahu

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Thursday, February 22, 2007


Two-Tiered Annuities Again

Two tiered annuities again are in the news. There has been much talk about them and even some legislation and I would like to cover them in detail. Therefore, over the next several weeks we are going to cover them in great detail.

I would like to give you some insight as to when they might be appropriate, the issues I have with them, and how sometimes they can be detrimental to your financial health. Please feel free to send your questions to Furthermore, if you have your own insight, stories, or thoughts about two-tiered annuities, feel free to send a comment to this blog.

So please be prepared to get into the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to these types of annuities. I will start with elementary information also and if you don't know what a two-tiered annuity is, feel free to visit the blog I did before on these tpes of annuities.

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Tony Bahu

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